Chair Construction
About the Craftsman


December 5, 2004

We’ve Moved – Now What?

I was born and raised and have lived in Pennsylvania all my life (I am not going to say how long that has been) and that is, in large measure, why I named my chair the Pennsylvania Rocker. A couple of years ago we bought a piece of land in Central Virginia not far from Charlottesville and earlier this year began construction of a new home and shop. We moved in early November and I am now ready to begin building chairs that were ordered in the spring.

My dilemma as we thought about the move was whether or not to change the name. I went so far as to buy the URL “varockers” thinking that I might make a change. How would people feel about a chair named for one state and built in another? What will people who have always known us as Pennsylvania Rocking Chairs think? Well, I have always subscribed to the saying that “ if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” and that applies to names as much as anything. So, the Pennsylvania Rocking Chair will continue to bear that name and will be built in Gordonsville, Virginia – confusing perhaps, but not entirely illogical.


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